Our trans­port trol­leys can be adapt­ed to suit your pro­duc­tion process­es. The qual­i­ty of the mate­r­i­al and the man­u­al weld­ing ensure that our trol­leys are extreme­ly long-lasting.

Fac­to­ry out­let for bak­ers and hob­by bak­ers · Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. · Please feel free to call us: Tel. +49 (0)7046 96130 · Prices do not include VAT.
Fac­to­ry out­let for bak­ers and hob­by bak­ers · Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. · Please feel free to call us: Tel. +49 (0)7046 96130 · Prices do not include VAT.
Fac­to­ry out­let for bak­ers and hob­by bak­ers · Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. · Please feel free to call us: Tel. +49 (0)7046 96130 · Prices do not include VAT.
Fac­to­ry out­let for bak­ers and hob­by bak­ers · Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. · Please feel free to call us: Tel. +49 (0)7046 96130 · Prices do not include VAT.


We man­u­fac­ture work­place fur­ni­ture, trol­leys and tables using stain­less steel 4301.

Our work tables are also avail­able with a con­vey­or belt.

You can select from our stan­dard sizes and designs or con­fig­ure your own indi­vid­ual prod­uct to suit your requirements.


All our qual­i­ty trol­leys and fur­ni­ture are weld­ed by hand, guar­an­tee­ing them a par­tic­u­lar­ly high stan­dard of durability.

The sup­port run­ners are not spot-weld­ed but firm­ly weld­ed all around, mak­ing them ide­al­ly safe to handle.

Guar­an­tee of quality


All our qual­i­ty trol­leys and fur­ni­ture are weld­ed by hand, guar­an­tee­ing them a par­tic­u­lar­ly high stan­dard of durability.

The sup­port run­ners are not spot-weld­ed but firm­ly weld­ed all around, mak­ing them ide­al­ly safe to handle.

Guar­an­tee of quality


Freez­er trol­leys made of stain­less steel 4301, 18 lev­els, for trays of 780 x 580 mm and 600 x 400 mm, inte­ri­or castors

Rack cards, Z‑type 4301, 18 lev­els, for trays of 780 x 580 mm, with phe­no­lic resin wheels